Shout out to Sadie Santiago for being named as Cedar's Athlete of the month!
¡Un saludo a Sadie Santiago por ser nombrada Atleta del mes de Cedar's!
Yesterday we had out 3rd Valor BBQ for our Spartans. Our valor BBQ is one of the many incentives students can earn for their participation in our Wellness Wednesday program. Keep up the great work Spartans!
Ayer tuvimos la 3ra barbacoa Valor para nuestros Spartans. Nuestro valor BBQ es uno de los muchos incentivos que los estudiantes pueden obtener por su participación en nuestro programa de Miércoles de Bienestar. ¡Sigan con el gran trabajo Spartans!
Don't forget to join us tonight for our family BINGO night!
¡No olvides unirte a nosotros esta noche para nuestra noche familiar de BINGO!
On March 20th we are hosting our Career Day here at Cedar Middle School in Hesperia and we would love to invite our community to be a part of the action! We are looking for presenters who would be willing to speak to our 7th/8th graders about their career to help inspire our students of what is all out there in the world.
Please share this post, tag friends//family, or sign up yourself to attend!
Spartans if you are interested in auditioning for color guard save the flyer below.
Sign ups are now open! See Ms Gladys our ASB bookkeeper for more information
Dear 7th grade Spartan families, this is the last week to submit $50 along with the field trip packet to ASB if your student is planning to attend Medieval Times field tip on April 4, 2024, which takes place during the regular school day. Don’t miss out!
Follow the link to RSVP for Family Bingo Night!
On Sunday, Cedar Middle School had 3 robotics teams go to a state competition in Bakersfield, CA. These three boys placed 8th out of 40 teams and they were just two wins away from going to the world VEX robotics championship. Great job Jeffery Bunyea, Joel Calleres and Aydan Garcia.
Cedar Middle School congratulates 8th Grader Gurleen Kaur Puni for winning 2nd place (regional) for the Elks Americanism Essay Contest. We wish her the best of luck as she moves forward as a finalist for the county competition. We'd like to send a secondary shout out to our other 8th grade finalists from HUSD.
Cedar Middle School felicita a Gurleen Kaur Puni, estudiante de octavo grado, por ganar el segundo lugar (regional) en el concurso de ensayos sobre americanismo de Elks. Le deseamos la mejor de las suertes en su avance como finalista de la competencia del condado. Nos gustaría enviar un saludo de secundaria a nuestros otros finalistas de octavo grado de HUSD.
Don't forget to RSVP to Bingo Family Night on March 15th! Spots are limited so RSVP below.
¡No olvides confirmar tu asistencia a la Noche Familiar de Bingo el 15 de marzo! Las plazas son limitadas, así que confirma tu asistencia a continuación.
Interested growing your own library at home? Email our Library Media Specialist for more information on picking up some free books!
¿Está interesado en desarrollar su propia biblioteca en casa? Envíe un correo electrónico a nuestro especialista en medios de la biblioteca para obtener más información sobre cómo recoger algunos libros gratis.
Future Spartans make sure to Save the dates for these upcoming events! You wouldn't want to miss it!
¡Futuros Spartans asegúrate de reservar las fechas para estos próximos eventos! ¡No querrás perdértelo!
What a better way to spend your friday night than Bingo Family Night! Join us March 15th! Spots are limited so RSVP below.
Business sponsorship oppiortunities available! Read Flyer for more information on how to promote your business with us.
¡Qué mejor manera de pasar la noche del viernes que la Noche Familiar de Bingo! ¡Únase a nosotros el 15 de marzo! Las plazas son limitadas, así que confirma tu asistencia a continuación.
¡Oportunidades de patrocinio empresarial disponibles! Lea el folleto para obtener más información sobre cómo promocionar su negocio con nosotros.
“Dreams are crafted while reading books.”
― Avijeet Das
"Los sueños se crean leyendo libros".
- Avijeet Das
Ms Zielkes Class participating in a Book Speed Dating event!
HUSD will be closed in observance of President's Day. Schools and the district office will be closed Monday, February 19, 2024 and reopen Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
HUSD will be closed in observance of Lincoln's Birthday. Schools and the district office will be closed Monday, February 12, 2024 and reopen Tuesday, February 13, 2024.
HUSD will be closed in observance of Lincoln's Birthday. Schools and the district office will be closed Monday, February 12, 2024 and reopen Tuesday, February 13, 2024.
Good Evening Parents,
Our High Academic Excellence Awards (3.0-3.9) are tonight. Invitations were sent out last week. However, due to the weather we completely understand that some of you may not be able to attend. Rest assured that if you do not attend we WILL still give the award out to your student to take home with them. Stay warm and stay dry! Mr. Martinez
We had our 4.0 awards and reception last night. What an amazing group of kid!Thank you scholars, parents, and parent club for the impressive turnout.
Anoche tuvimos nuestros premios 4.0 y nuestra recepción. ¡Qué grupo de niños tan increíble! Gracias a los estudiantes, padres y al club de padres por la impresionante participación.