Good Afternoon Cedar Families, Let's keep those math, reading, and writing skills sharp this summer! Although completely optional, our online classes meet twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday or Monday and Wednesday, from 9:00 to 10:30 AM via Zoom and will run for 4 weeks. This is a fantastic opportunity to retain and reinforce the fundamentals learned throughout the year. Don’t miss out—sign up on our interest list today and ensure a successful transition into the next school year!
3 days ago, Joseph Martinez
We recently hosted our 3rd VALOR BBQ of the year at the Wellness Center! This BBQ is just one of the many rewards students can earn for engaging in our Wellness Wednesday lessons. Great job, Spartans!
5 days ago, Cedar Middle School
8 days ago, Joseph Martinez
Spring Fling Carnival March 20th 4 - 6 pm $5.00 or $3.00 with ASB
11 days ago, Cedar Middle School
Spring Fling Carnival
Welcome 6th grade students! We look forward to seeing you tonight at our 6th Grade Orientation!
12 days ago, Cedar Middle School
6th Grade Orientation
Hello Cedar Families, please note that for any students that are spectators at school games MUST be accompanied by an adult. Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated. Hola familias de Cedar, tengan en cuenta que cualquier estudiante que sea espectador de los juegos escolares DEBE estar acompañado por un adulto. Su cooperación sería muy apreciada.
12 days ago, Joseph Martinez
Our CMS Jr. Interact club is hosting a Coin Drive that will be donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The 5th period class with the highest donation will win a pizza party. Our school goal is $1500.
12 days ago, Cedar Middle School
 The 5th period class with the highest donation will win a pizza party. Our school goal is $1500
Good Afternoon Spartan Families, Next week we will not be having a nutrition break. Breakfast will be served before school so please remind and encourage your students to eat at that time. Nutrition break will resume after Spring Break.
12 days ago, Joseph Martinez
We're hiring teachers! HUSD will be hosting a teacher job fair on March 12th from 4pm to 7pm at the HUSD District Office Annex. We look forward to seeing you there!
14 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Teacher Fair Graphic
The CDPH will be holding immunization clinics at the HUSD District office on 03/07, 04/04, 04/30, and 5/16. For more info see attached flyers. Note: This event is not organized or implemented by HUSD.
24 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Spanish Flyer
English Flyer
We're hiring teachers! HUSD will be hosting a teacher job fair on March 12th from 4pm to 7pm at the HUSD District Office Annex. We look forward to seeing you there!
26 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Teacher fair graphic
The Ranchero Middle School vs. Cedar Middle School basketball game Live Stream is starting now. Watch it here:
26 days ago, Hesperia Unified
basketball stream graphic
CMS Family, Kona Ice will be here this Wednesday 2/26/25 during both lunches. They will only be accepting cash. Familia de CMS, Kona Ice estará aquí este miércoles 2/26/25 durante ambos almuerzos. Sólo aceptarán efectivo.
26 days ago, Patsy Gollaz
Atención padres/estudiantes de CMS: Les pedimos amablemente su apoyo para recordarles a los estudiantes que se mantengan alejados de los pasillos del salón de clases durante el almuerzo. Para garantizar un entorno seguro y libre de distracciones, el personal de Cedar reforzará esta expectativa durante las próximas semanas. ¡Gracias por su cooperación para ayudarnos a mantener un ambiente escolar positivo!
about 1 month ago, Patsy Gollaz
Attention CMS parents/students: We kindly ask for your support in reminding students to stay out of classroom hallways during lunch. To ensure a safe and distraction-free environment. Cedar staff will be reinforcing this expectation over the next few weeks. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain a positive school environment !
about 1 month ago, Patsy Gollaz
8th grade CMS students! We're heading to Knotts Berry Farm for an unforgettable day of fun and thrills! Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to celebrate with your classmates. Permission slips and cash payments MUST be turned in to Mrs. Gladys (ASB) Space is limited- First come, first served! Secure your spot ASAP and get ready for a day full of roller coasters, games, and great memories. ¡Estudiantes de 8º grado de CMS! ¡Nos dirigimos a Knotts Berry Farm para pasar un día inolvidable de diversión y emociones! No te pierdas esta emocionante oportunidad de celebrar con tus compañeros. Los formularios de permiso y los pagos en efectivo DEBEN entregarse a la Sra. Gladys (ASB). El espacio es limitado. ¡Primero en llegar, primero en ser atendido! Reserva tu lugar lo antes posible y prepárate para un día lleno de montañas rusas, juegos y grandes recuerdos.
about 1 month ago, Patsy Gollaz
Last Saturday, our AVID and Sports students had an amazing opportunity to visit USC! They explored the campus, learned about academic and athletic programs, and got a glimpse of college life. It was an inspiring experience that motivated out students to think about their futures and the possibilities ahead. A big thank you to everyone who helped make this trip happen! Stay tuned for more exciting opportunities! #Spartanpride #GoSpartans
about 1 month ago, Patsy Gollaz
February is Black History Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the incredible achievements, contributions, and resilience of Black individuals throughout history. At Cedar Middle School, we are proud to honor this month by educating, reflecting, and engaging in meaningful discussions about Black history and culture. Throughout February, our students have been participating in activities and lessons that highlight the impact of Black leaders, artists, scientists, and change makers. From classroom discussions to special lunch projects, we are committed to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Black history. Join us as we celebrate, learn, and continue striving for a future of equality, inclusion, and respect for all! #BlackHistoryMonth #HonoringExcellence #StrongerTogether
about 1 month ago, Patsy Gollaz
Congratulations to our valor ticket winners for 2/11! An act of kindness can get your name put into our valor box. Felicitaciones a los ganadores de los boletos de valor de el dia 2/11! Un acto de bondad puede hacer que su nombre se incluya en nuestra casilla de valor.
about 1 month ago, Patsy Gollaz
Hello Cedar Family, today's soccer tryouts will be postponed until tomorrow at 3:30pm due to inclement weather and safety protocols. Hola familia de Cedar, las pruebas de fútbol de hoy se pospondrán hasta mañana a las 3:30 p. m. debido a las inclemencias del tiempo y los protocolos de seguridad.
about 1 month ago, Patsy Gollaz