Good Evening Cedar Parents: starting tomorrow, our students will be taking their iReady math assessment in their math class. Please remind your children to be on time, find a quiet place to work and to try their best on the assessment. Since it is a Diagnostic adaptive test that measures their math grade level, it will be normal for students to see difficult questions. Students should not receive any type of help as this would make the results inaccurate. Thank you so much. Sincerely, CMS staff.
over 4 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Our library is open for virtual check out. Click on the link to login and reserve your books. You can pick them up M-F 8:30 to 3:30 once you have reserved.
over 4 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Good Evening Cedar Parents, our students will be continuing their iReady reading assessment in their language arts Zoom. Please remind your child to be on time, find a quiet place to work, and try his or her best on the assessment. We also ask the students not to ask for help on the assessment. Thank you so much. Sincerely, CMS staff.
over 4 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Good evening Spartan families. Our first progress reports are available for parents to view on the Infinite Campus portal. Please take a few minutes to review your child’s grades and if you have questions or concerns reach out to the teachers. Also, this is a reminder that there will be no school this Monday, September 7th in observance of Labor Day. Have a great three day weekend and we look forward to having all of our students back in our virtual classrooms on Tuesday. Go Spartans!
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good evening, the English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) of Cedar Middle School would like to invite you to our 1st meeting this Thursday, September 3rd at 8:2:30 pm via Zoom.The Zoom link:; Meeting ID: 832 4496 6694 Come and meet other parents whose students have English as their second language and get involved in your students education. We hope to see you here this Thursday, September 3rd. Buenas tardes, El comité consejero para padres de los aprendices de Inglés (ELAC) de la escuela secundaria de Cedar los invita a nuestra primera reunión que se tomara acabo este jueves, 3 de septiembre a las 2:30 de la tarde a través de Zoom. Enlace de Zoom:; Identificación de junta: 832 4496 6694. Vengan y conozcan otros padres de alumnos que hablan inglés como segundo idioma e involúcrese en la educación de su hijo/hija. Esperemos verlos en nuestra reunión el jueves, 3 de septiembre.
over 4 years ago, Joseph Martinez
CMS: Buenas tardes familias Spartans. Nos gustaría agradecer a todos los padres que asistieron anoche a nuestra Noche de Regreso a la Escuela digital. Agradecemos que se tomaron el tiempo de su apretada agenda para visitar virtualmente las clases de su hijo/hija. La semana que viene, el miércoles 2 de septiembre y el miércoles 9 de septiembre, tomaremos fotografías de los estudiantes en el auto y recogerán sus útiles. Siga este enlace para obtener información detallada sobre este evento. ¡Que tengan un gran fin de semana y Vamos Spartans!
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Next week, on Wednesday 9/2 and Wednesday 9/9 we will have drive-thru student pictures and supply pick up. Please follow this link for detailed information in this event.
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Buenas noches familias de Cedar Middle School, y bienvenidos a la Noche de Regreso a Clases digital 20-21. El personal de Cedar Middle School han estado trabajando arduamente preparándose para esta noche. Siga el enlace que se ha proporcionado en este mensaje para visitar nuestro “HUB Digital Back to School Night”. Asegúrese de seguir todas las instrucciones antes de visitar a los maestros de su hijo/hija. Que tengan una noche fantástica: Enlace para “BTS HUB”:
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good evening CMS families and welcome to the 20-21 digital Back to School Night. The CMS staff have been hard at work preparing for this evening. Please follow the link provided in this message to visit to our Digital Back to School Night HUB. Be sure to follow all the directions before visiting your child's teachers. Have a fantastic evening: Link for BTS HUB:
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Buenas tardes familias Spartans! El distrito escolar unificado de Hesperia se ha vuelto digital y necesitamos que todos los padres actualicen su información de contacto en el Portal de Padres de “Infinite Campus”. Siga el enlace para actualizar esta información. Gracias.
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good afternoon Spartan families. HUSD has gone digital and we need ALL parents to update their contact information on the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus. Please follow the link to update this information ASAP. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Cedar Middle School organizará una noche de regreso a clases digital este jueves 27 de agosto a partir de las 5:30 pm. Se publicará un enlace para la noche digital de regreso a clases en nuestro sitio web, y también se compartirá a través de un mensaje de texto. Estamos emocionados de compartir todas las cosas increíbles que nuestra escuela tiene para ofrecer. ¡Marquen sus calendarios! ¡Vamos, Spartans!
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
CMS will be hosting a digital back to school night THIS Thursday 8/27 starting at 5:30pm. A link to the digital back to school night will be posted on our website at and will also be shared out through a text message. We are excited to share all of the AWESOME things our school has to offer. Mark your calendars! Go Spartans!
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good evening Spartan families! We are looking for 3 parents to participate on the CMS School Site Council for the 20-21 school year. We will have 4 meetings from 3:30pm-4:30pm to discuss school safety, school budget and other important information. If you are interested, please email a short biography to by Wednesday August 26th. Voting will be held during the week of August 31st. Thank you and Go Spartans!
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good Afternoon Cedar Families, We want to wish your student the best as they enter week two of our new school year. Additionally, our district is aware of system glitch that in turn is marking students absent during their asynchronous learning days, and they are working diligently to correct it. Please be patient while they work on resolving this problem. Sincerely, Cedar Middle School Administration.
over 4 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Good evening Spartan families. We made it through our first day, and as expected there were a few glitches. Please keep in mind that we are on this journey together, and just as your child is learning the ins and outs of distance learning, so is our staff. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these technical difficulties. Even through distance learning, we are committed to giving your child the education they deserve. Should you have any questions or concerns, or your child continues to have difficulties with logging in to their accounts, please give us a call so we can assist you. Thank you and go Spartans!
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Welcome to the new school year. School begins tomorrow, Thursday August 6th. We need all students to join the Google Classrooms for each of their teachers by 8:00am tomorrow morning so they are prepared to begin class at 8:55am. Google classroom codes were handed out during open house and if you haven’t already joined, teachers have sent email invitations to students to join their Google classrooms in which the code would not be required. It is imperative that all students join these classrooms, as all Zoom and Google Meets links will be posted in the Google classrooms for the live interaction sessions with teachers. It is an expectation that all students log in to their google classroom daily and attend the Zoom and Google Meets sessions that are scheduled for that particular day. For example, tomorrow, students will attend periods 1, 2, 3 and 4 and on Friday students will attend periods 5,6 and 7. Attendance will be taken daily and grades will be issued. Students should be dressed for class and have their videos on during the live interaction sessions to better assist the teachers in making sure the students are engaged in the lesson. The Cedar Middle School distance learning plan is posted on the CMS website at We would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as we balance classes over the next couple weeks. Our goal is always to provide as little disruption as possible, however it is possible that one or more of your classes will change as we balance the master schedule. Students, I wish I could welcome you in person tomorrow, but I know I can’t. I know you are going to have a great first day. Please remember to be logged on by 8:55am tomorrow morning. We look forward to a great first week of school and a successful year. Please check our website, Instagram and Facebook frequently for up to date information.
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good afternoon Spartan families. For those students who were unable to make it to open house last week, please stop by CMS between the hours of 12pm and 3:45pm, today 8/3, tomorrow 8/4 or Wednesday 8/5 to pick up your required materials for distance learning. We need all students to enter through the gate from the main parking lot and report directly to outside of the library with a mask. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good evening Spartans and welcome to the 20-21 school year.! We are so excited to get this year started with all of you. This is a reminder that the first day of school (distance learning) will be Thursday, August 6th. All students will be required to meet with their teachers for live interaction daily. Students will meet for periods 1, 2, 3 and 4 on Mondays and Thursdays and periods 5,6 and 7 on Tuesdays and Fridays. Wednesdays will be reserved for teacher planning time and small group remote instruction for student intervention (teachers will let students know if they will be meeting with them on Wednesdays during distance learning). For those students who were unable to make the open house last week to pick up their schedule and textbooks, please contact the school at 760 2446093 to arrange a pickup time for these necessary materials. The best way to stay connected to the school during distance learning is through our Facebook and Instagram social media accounts and our web page. Please be sure to check those often for updates and information. We are looking forward to an AWESOME 20-21 school year. Go Spartans!
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Reminder CMS Drive-Thru Open House Starts Tomorrow: CMS: Drive-thru Open House Information: Drop off Last Years Textbooks and Class Novels, Pickup Schedules and Books for the 20-21 school year. *** All students will keep their current Chromebooks for distance learning. New students and those students who have a broken Chromebook can bring their Chromebook to the open house to swap out. Monday 7/27 Last Name A-B 1-3PM Monday 7/27 Last Name C-D 3-5PM Tuesday 7/28 Last Name E-G 1-3PM Tuesday 7/28 Last Name H-K 3-5PM Wednesday 7/29 Last Name L-M 1-3PM Wednesday 7/29 Last Name N-P 3-5PM Thursday 7/30 Last Name Q-S 1-3PM Thursday 7/30 Last Name T-Z 3-5PM Looking forward to an AWESOME year! Stay safe!
over 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School