Good afternoon Cedar parents. We will be hosting our first English Language Advisory Committee meeting known as ELAC tomorrow October 3, 2018 at 4pm for those interested. All parents, especially English language learners, are invited to attend. Hope to see you here.
over 6 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Good evening Spartan families. Today, all students received their ID cards and a lanyard. It is a school-wide expectation that all students and staff wear their lanyards with their ID cards around their neck everyday. We are asking the students to get into a habit of putting their ID cards in their backpacks at the end of the day so they come prepared the following day with all of their school supplies, including their lanyard and ID card. Should a student lose their ID card they will need to purchase a new one for $5.00 and a new lanyard will cost $1.00. We appreciate your support in this matter. Go Spartans!
over 6 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
HUSD will be closed on September 3, 2018 in observance of Labor Day. Classes will resume on September 4, 2018. Please have a safe and fun 3 day weekend!
over 6 years ago, Hesperia Unified
HUSD Closed for Labor Day
Good evening CMS Parents, Our first week packets went home with your student today. Please make sure to read and sign all paperwork. Your student is to return the signed forms to their first period teacher on Monday, August 20th. Thank you and have a great weekend!
over 6 years ago, Joseph Martinez
CMS parents: Just a friendly reminder that school starts at 9:26AM today and ends at 3:18PM, as it is late start Wednesday.
over 6 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Welcome CMS Spartan families! Our first day of school is tomorrow, Monday August 13th. School will begin at 8:30am and will end at 3:18. All students should come prepared with their school supplies including Chromebooks. Textbooks that were issued during open house are home sets and should stay at home. Our parent drop off / pick up is located at the back of the school and can be accessed through the main parking lot through the far west entrance. Please follow the cones. For student safety we are asking parents to use the parent pick up / drop off area. We are looking forward to an AWESOME first day of school! Go Spartans!
over 6 years ago, Shadow Ridge School