Hello Spartans! We want to remind you all that there will be no school tomorrow. We will resume on Monday, and our last day will be Thursday 5/27/21. Also, remember to turn in your textbooks to the library if you are in the A or B hybrid group or to front office if you are in the C group.
over 3 years ago, Joseph Martinez
There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 21st for a planned Snow Day. Enjoy your long weekend! We'll see you back for our last four days of this school year beginning Monday, May 24th!
over 3 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Snow Day Graphic
Good evening Spartans! It’s time to return your science textbooks. If you are in the A or B hybrid groups, bring your textbooks to the library when you are on campus starting tomorrow, Thursday, May 20th. If you are in the C hybrid group, you can drop off your textbooks in the front office. We are open 8AM to 4PM. You do not need to turn in your Chromebooks at this time unless you are leaving the Hesperia Unified School District.
over 3 years ago, Cedar Middle School
Vaccination Information
over 3 years ago, Joseph Martinez
There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 21st for a planned Snow Day. Enjoy your long weekend! We'll see you back for our last four days of this school year beginning Monday, May 24th!
over 3 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Snow day flyer
Good evening Spartans and future Spartan families. CMS has a very active parent club and we NEED YOU! If you are interested in learning more about how you can volunteer at CMS and be a part of the CMS Parent Club, please fill out this short survey. One of the current CMS Parent Club members will reach out to you with more information including meeting dates. The CMS Parent Club ROCKS!!! Thank you! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc34g55QfSWIHIcPpJXW0zrsNpt_0giZobwrTnnXQOMQr1vhQ/viewform
over 3 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good Evening CMS Spartans, The Oak Hills High School Athletics Department is putting out this following information to prepare your student athlete for next year. shorturl.at/bswG6
over 3 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Good evening Cedar families. As we wrap up the 20-21 school year, we would like to take a moment to thank our parent, students and staff for an incredible year. The pandemic has definitely thrown a wrinkle into the year, but we would like to recognize a few students for their efforts this year. We will be doing a two part Spartan Spectacular this year. First, on May 26th from 12-2 we will be recognizing individual students for special awards given to them by their teachers in a drive-thru awards ceremony. Only those receiving an award will receive an invitation with a specific time to come to the school to receive their award. The second virtual Spartan Spectacular will take place on Wednesday June 2nd at 11:00am. We will be virtually recognizing students who maintained a 3.0 GPA or higher for the second semester of this school year. The link for the virtual Spartan Spectacular will be shared through social media, posted on our website and will also be sent to all parents through Thrillshare. We look forward to recognizing our students for their amazing effort this school year. Go Spartans!
over 3 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good evening, the English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) of Cedar Middle School would like to invite you to our meeting this Thursday, May 6th at 2:30 pm via Zoom.The Zoom link: https://www.zoom.us/join; Meeting ID: 832 4496 6694 Come and meet other parents whose students have English as their second language and get involved in your students education. We hope to see you here this Thursday, May 6th. Buenas tardes, El comité consejero para padres de los aprendices de Inglés (ELAC) de la escuela secundaria de Cedar los invita a nuestra reunión que se tomara acabo este jueves, 6 de mayo a las 2:30 de la tarde a través de Zoom. Enlace de Zoom: https://www.zoom.us/join; Identificación de junta: 832 4496 6694. Vengan y conozcan otros padres de alumnos que hablan inglés como segundo idioma e involúcrese en la educación de su hijo/hija. Esperemos verlos en nuestra reunión el jueves, 6 de mayo.
over 3 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Hello Spartans! Our internet is down, and we do not have an estimated time for when it will be back up. If you are learning from home today, there will not be any Zooms/Googlemeets today. You will be working asynchronously, so be sure to check your Google Classrooms for any assignments and lessons.
over 3 years ago, Cedar Middle School
Good afternoon Spartan families. Due to the CDPH Covid restrictions, we will have limited capacity at the home basketball game tomorrow, 4/27. The girls will play at 3:30pm and the boys will begin at 5:00pm. Each player is allowed to have two members from their household attend in person during the time they play their game. We invite our staff, students and community to watch the game through streaming. Please follow the attached link to view the game. Thank you. https://live.myvrsphttps://live.myvrspot.com/st?cid=Mjc4NWot.com/st?cid=Mjc4NW
over 3 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Hello Cedar Family! Join us via zoom for our last ELAC meeting of the school year. We hope to see you all there. ¡Hola familia Cedar! Por favor ünase con nosotros a través de zoom para nuestra última reunión de ELAC del año escolar . Esperamos ver a todos allí.
almost 4 years ago, Romilda Montoya
ELAC Reminder
ELAC Reminder Spanish
Cedar Middle School, 21 minutes ago Good Evening Cedar Families, Please take a moment to fill out our annual needs survey. Click on the following link to begin: http://shorturl.at/lptzR
almost 4 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Good evening parents, starting April 22, 2021, your child will be taking their iReady reading assessment in their language arts classes via Zoom and/or in person. Please remind your child to be on time, find a quiet place to work, try their best on the assessment. We also ask the students not to ask for help on the assessment.
almost 4 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Good afternoon Spartan families. Beginning Monday, 4/26, we will be offering before school in person tutoring to our A and B hybrid students. This will be on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for the next four weeks. It will be from 8 am to 8:45 am in rooms 15-16. All students will enter the campus through the gate connected to the main parking lot next to the cafeteria. There will be no bussing available for the morning tutoring. We will continue to offer virtual tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30pm-4:30pm and all day tutoring on Wednesdays. Please visit the CMS website for the links for virtual tutoring. Go Spartans!
almost 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good afternoon CMS families. Please take a few minutes to fill the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) survey out. The information from this survey will help us in our planning for the 21-22 school year. Thank you. https://forms.gle/7Pc1ockXP5YVrzt76 Buenas Tardes familia Cedar, Por favor tómese unos minutos para completar el Plan de responsabilidad de control local, " Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)" encuesta. La información de esta encuesta nos ayudará en nuestra planificación para el año escolar 21-22. Gracias. https://forms.gle/2i1K6cZKL73BNEhv8
almost 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good Morning Spartans. Did you miss out on cross country? Come join our MTB Cycling Conditioning Program on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30PM to 4:30PM. All you need is a mountain bike, helmet, and a current physical. Our track is on site and is newly revamped. If you are interested, fill out the form and Cedar staff will follow up with you to get you enrolled. shorturl.at/evC12
almost 4 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Cedar is proud to present our virtual tutoring and support center for ALL students on Wednesdays from 9:00AM to 3:18PM. Need extra help? Click here: shorturl.at/ijmtM
almost 4 years ago, Joseph Martinez
Bus Route/Schedule and Supply List
almost 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Bus Route/Schedule
Supply List
Hybrid Schedules:
almost 4 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Hybrid Group A
Hybrid Group B
Hybrid Group C Distance Learning Only