Recordatorio de que el Club de Padres de CMS está organizando una noche de bingo familiar mañana por la noche, 15/12/22 a las 6:00 pm en la cafetería. Este es un evento gratuito para que la familia asista. Esperamos verte en este evento especial.
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Reminder the CMS Parent Club is hosting a family bingo night tomorrow night, 12/15/22 at 6:00pm in the cafeteria. This is a free event for the family to attend. We look forward to seeing you at this special event.
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Hello, this is Kelly Maxwell, Principal of Cedar Middle School. Este mensaje será repetido en español. Today during dismissal there was a rumor of a student with a weapon on campus. This led to social media posts which stated the same. School administration and District Police immediately handled the issue and I am happy to report that the rumor was completely unfounded. There was no weapon on campus and all students and staff were safe. I apologize for any concern that the unfounded rumors may have created. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact the front office at (760) 244-6093. Hola, este mensaje es de parte de la Sra. Maxwell, directora de la escuela secundaria Cedar. Hoy, durante el despido, había un rumor de un estudiante con un arma en el plantel. Esto llevó a publicaciones en las redes sociales que afirmaban lo mismo. La administración de la escuela y la policía del distrito manejaron inmediatamente el asunto y estoy feliz de informar que el rumor era completamente infundado. No había armas en el plantel y todos los estudiantes y el personal estaban a salvo. Pido disculpas por cualquier preocupación que los rumores infundados puedan haber creado. Si usted tiene cualquier otra pregunta por favor siéntase libre de contactar la oficina al (760) 244-6093.
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good evening Spartan families! We have our next ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee) meeting on Tomorrow at 9:00 AM in person at CMS in our Library! We will be discussing upcoming events, and we will have our school police officer in attendance to answer questions. We hope to see you all there! ¡Buenas noches familias de CMS! ¡Tenemos nuestra próxima reunión de ELAC (Comité Asesor del Idioma Inglés) mañana a las 9:00 am en persona en CMS en nuestra biblioteca! Hablaremos sobre los próximos eventos y tendremos a nuestro oficial de policía escolar presente para responder preguntas. ¡Esperamos veros a todos allí!
about 2 years ago, Cedar Middle School
The CMS Parent Club will be hosting their monthly meeting tomorrow morning, 12/13/22 at 9:30am. We are looking forward to seeing you at CMS tomorrow morning. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Buenas noches familias espartanas. A medida que se acercan rápidamente las vacaciones de invierno, me gustaría recordarles a nuestras familias que nos quedan dos semanas del primer semestre. El jueves, 12/22 será un día mínimo y los estudiantes serán liberados a las 12:32pm. Las vacaciones de invierno comienzan el viernes 23/12 y los estudiantes regresarán de las vacaciones de invierno el lunes 9/1/23.
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
As winter break quickly approaches I would like to remind our families that we have two weeks left of the first semester. Thursday, 12/22 will be a minimum day and students will be released at 12:32pm. Winter break starts on Friday, 12/23 and students will return from winter break on Monday 1/9/23.
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Hello Spartan families. CMS is asking for feedback from our families. Please follow the link in this message to the family Youth Truth survey. This survey gives our parents / guardians the opportunity to provide feedback for Cedar Middle School in areas such as culture, engagement, relationships, communication & feedback, school safety, and resources. This survey is completely anonymous and will provide valuable feedback. We thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey in hopes of better preparing our students for tomorrows world. Go Spartans!
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Hola familias espartanas. CMS está pidiendo comentarios de nuestras familias. Por favor, siga el enlace en este mensaje a la encuesta de la Verdad Juvenil de la familia. Esta encuesta brinda a nuestros padres / tutores la oportunidad de proporcionar comentarios para Cedar Middle School en áreas como cultura, compromiso, relaciones, comunicación y comentarios, seguridad escolar y recursos. Esta encuesta es completamente anónima y proporcionará comentarios valiosos. Le agradecemos de antemano por tomarse el tiempo para completar la encuesta con la esperanza de preparar mejor a nuestros estudiantes para el mundo del mañana. ¡Vamos espartanos! enlace:
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good evening Spartan families. Tomorrow, 12/9/22 we will be hosting the HUSD Police Departments monthly meeting. We want our community to be aware of the increase in police presence at CMS on Friday, 12/9 and to not be alarmed. The CMS Parent Club will be hosting a fun Family Bingo Night on Thursday, 12/15 from 6:00pm-8:00pm in the CMS cafeteria. The CMS staff will also be sharing some valuable information regarding our VALOR Program, goals students have set for the year, how your child can be a successful Spartan and the dangers of drugs. Light refreshments will be served and prizes will be awarded! If you are interested in attending with your family, please take a couple minutes to fill out the interest list survey by following the link provided in this message by Monday, 12/12. You will receive a confirmation email next week once we have the final RSVP numbers for your family to attend. Thank you Link for RSVP Interest:
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good morning Spartan families! We have our next ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee) meeting on Tuesday, December 13th at 9:00 AM in person at CMS in our Library! We will be discussing upcoming events, and we will have our school police officer in attendance to answer questions. We hope to see you all there! ¡Buenos días familias de CMS! ¡Tenemos nuestra próxima reunión de ELAC (Comité Asesor del Idioma Inglés) el martes 13 de diciembre a las 9:00 a. m. en persona en CMS en nuestra biblioteca! Hablaremos sobre los próximos eventos y tendremos a nuestro oficial de policía escolar presente para responder preguntas. ¡Esperamos veros a todos allí!
about 2 years ago, Cedar Middle School
Buenas noches familias espartanas. Durante las próximas dos semanas, le pediremos a su hijo que participe en la Encuesta de Estudiantes de YouthTruth. La Encuesta de Estudiantes de YouthTruth es una encuesta reconocida a nivel nacional que se utiliza en cientos de escuelas y distritos de todo el país, encuestando a cientos de miles de estudiantes. Los estudiantes tomarán esta encuesta durante su horario regular de SEL los miércoles. Aunque queremos saber de todos los estudiantes, la participación en esta encuesta es voluntaria. Por favor, siga el enlace adjunto para obtener más información. Gracias.
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
CMS ASB will be hosting a spirit week starting Monday 11/28 which will be bring your favorite stuffed animal, 11/29 is twin day, 11/30 wear your crazy socks, 12/1 is jersey day and Friday, 12/2 we will wrap up the week with ugly sweaters with a competition during both lunches for students and staff. Looking forward to a fun week. Go Spartans!
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good evening Spartan families. This is a reminder that there is no school next week, Monday 11/21 through Friday 11/25. We wish all of our families a restful Thanksgiving break and look forward to seeing all of our students and staff back on campus on Monday 11/28. Go Spartans!
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
HUSD and the HDAOR (High Desert Association of Realtors) are committed to stopping youth substance abuse. The HDAOR "How to recognize-prevent substance abuse" meetings are aimed at helping parents help children deal with peer pressure, detect substance abuse problems, and/or determine appropriate intervention steps. The HDAOR will host a series of free workshops dedicated to helping those who have not become involved in drug or alcohol use to avoid doing so and encourage those who are struggling with addiction to get the help that they need. For more information please visit:
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Attention Spartan families. If you are interested in watching the Advanced Robotics competition today at 11:00am please visit the Cedar website homepage and click on livestream. Looking forward to a great competition. Go Spartans!!
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Attention Spartan families. If you are interested in watching the Advanced Robotics competition today at 11:00am please visit the Cedar website homepage and click on livestream. Looking forward to a great competition. Go Spartans!!
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Good evening Spartan families. The CMS Interact Club and ASB are hosting a canned food drive through November 15th. We will be putting together baskets to help our Cedar families in need. All canned food will be collected in 1st period classes with the class who donates the most winning a prize. Please consider helping our community and donating some canned goods for the holiday season. Thank you and Go SPARTANS!
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School
Parents, please be aware that some criminal drug networks are using social media and smartphone apps to flood the U.S. with deadly fentanyl and fentanyl-laced fake pills. Monitor your children's social media and phone usage to prevent these criminals from preying on them. #OnePillCanKill Learn more at
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
This is our final countdown for the Victorville Motors Virtual Ride and Drive fundraiser. We need all families to participate in this EASY fundraiser to bring up to $13000.00 to our school. Please follow the link, watch the video and answer a few SIMPLE questions to help us reach our goal of $13000.00. This is FREE for you to participate in and will take 5 minutes. Please share the link with any of your friends and family that are over the age of 18. The window for this fundraiser closes tonight and 11:59pm. Let's do this Spartans! Link: www.BIT.LY/VRND-CEDMS
about 2 years ago, Shadow Ridge School